Its good to see you again! I should give you a key to the workshop so you can come and go as you please. so what’s up? What’s got you thinking? really think outside the box! I love it when that happens!
Recently, and when I say recently I mean literally last night when I was DMing my weekly game, a series of events happened that could only have happened in that moment when the characters had the resources they needed at that particular time not to mention with an incredible amount of luck. It demonstrates the ability of players to think creatively and in weird fantastic ways. so if your excuse me this is going to be a lot of storytelling.
Last night my players just finished eradicating a clan of fire giants that had taken over a dwarven stronghold 40 years and were using the forges and the mines to create warforge for a purpose they have not yet realized, they had opened a portal to the elemental plane of fire and were encapsulating fire elementals in rubies within the constructed warforge to give them life and power .The dwarven artificer decided he would use the “reduce” spell on one of the inanimate constructs and place it in his bag of holding. Unusual yes, but for an artificer who likes to build constructs, I didn’t think it was too weird. A few things happened and they decided they would stay inside the artificers “rope trick” for the night. a quick note on my artificer player, his character at the beginning was loosely based upon “Rick” from the Adult Swim show “Rick and Morty” and there for this extradimensional space is loosely based on the underground lab that Rick has in the show, complete with its own “Lemure”. A “Lemure” for those who are unclear, is the lowest level of devil, an amorphous blob of a creature formed from a soul and banished to the nine hells…typically. I felt like it added a bit of character to the design of the place the artificer wanted for his rope trick.
Anyway , the players wanted to relax and the life cleric wanted to play some cards with the restrained and chained up Lemure , which unsurprising he won, and afterwards, after figuring out what exactly this creature was the life cleric decided to take pity upon this lost soul, and tried to use his “Divine Intervention” ability to set this individual soul free to go to whatever heaven it believed in. “Divine Intervention” is an ability in which the cleric tries to petition their god to in aid for what ever reason, and if the god deems it worthy then they can choose to aid. The ability its self is very powerful however also only has a 10% chance of working and so I didn’t worry about it …until the cleric made the check…dam it.
The form of the Lemure began to change and turn back into the elven figure that it once used to be and they saw the spectral form of this individual wordlessly thank the party and ascended into the afterlife leaving the now dead elven form chained to the wall. This is where things got interesting.
The artificer at this point looked at me and said I want to take the body down and try and wrap it the form of the warforge they had found in the fire giants workshop in an attempt to make a flesh construct. And thus the skill challenge began, it took 6 successful skill checks to succeed and they could fail by failing 3 checks. But first, he had to convince the Life cleric to help him in his task.
I didn’t put any checks on this, no rolling of dice, I felt this was the best opportunity to engage my players in role-playing their characters. This took an age, but everyone was engaged with what was happening, watching this great verbal battle happening against established religion and enterprising invention. And after 20 minutes of just talking, the artificer won. The life Cleric then began to help the artificer with the medical flaying of the elven body and stitching of the body around the warforge leaving an open space in its chest where a gem used to reside. Now with 2 checks to succeed and 1 failure left, they came across the problem of powering the construct …and so they woke the druid.
The druid a lawful good protector of the elements has the ability to summons elements that could be used to power the elements and has done so to aid the party in battle, hence why they woke the druid.
Thus began another discussion between the artificer and the cleric trying to convince the druid, and after another 10 minutes, the cleric said the golden phrase “us doing this is no different from you summoning elements to help you” …and that was the phrase that did It.
I won't labor you with the details but after an hour of roleplaying and making all of the checks, the artificer now has a flesh golem that he controls.
I never expected this to happen, never in my mind did I think they would succeed, I could have come up with a reason why It couldn’t of work, but I didn’t and to those players involved they felt amazing for the achievement that they succeeded in. Is it's going to affect how they are perceived by the world? Yes, will it be good? Possibly not, could it backfire magnificently? Absolutely yes. But for the time being, they did something amazing, thought about it, engaged other players and succeeded and I always felt like that should be rewarded.
thanks again for reading peeps, and until next time!
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